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You are accepting full responsibility for posting your inclusion items back to us and accept that should they go missing, Little Gem's resin company are not liable in any way.

Each item is cast by hand and colours/finished outcomes vary on -

  • The jewellery setting the inclusion is cast into.

  • The inclusion items that are being cast.

For example - Pale, white, grey or very fine hair is extremely difficult to see once cast into jewellery. Dark hair is also difficult to see if cast onto a darker colour opal/base.​

If you opt for ashes to be left as they are without any opals/pigments added, they will likely appear different to other examples of this. We are all different in both life and death, ashes all vary in natural colour.

You take full responsibility in ensuring you size your finger correctly. When using a belt ring sizer you must ensure that you are at a comfortable temperature, if your hands are too hot or cold it will give an inaccurate reading. You must be able to slide the sizer over your knuckle comfortably on the chosen size. If you incorrectly size your finger, Little Gem's Resin Co hold no responsibility.

The name and address provided when placing your order is the address your order will be posted to. Should you wish to change these after the ordering has been processed please get in touch immediately by using the contact forms or by calling us directly. Please wait for a response to confirm the address change. If you move house and don't inform us, the parcel is likely to be sent to the address given upon ordering, therefore Little Gem's resin company takes no liability if parcels should go missing in these instances.  Equally if Royal Mail or any other courier service we use lose your parcels, we again hold no responsibility. 

If you happen to damage your item accidentally we're not obliged to refund you or repair your items. However we do try to help where we can. Please message us. This includes damage by chemicals such as hand sanitiser and perfume causing cloudy spots in the resin. If damage to the resin area within the first year which was outwith your control occurs, we can rectify this free of charge. Any damages to the resin outwith this time frame can be corrected for a small fee. Little Gem's resin company are not liable for any damages to the silver or stone settings but these can be fixed by a jeweller. Replacement chains are available to purchase.

If after 6 weeks we have not received the inclusion items required and requested from you upon ordering to create your item, we reserve the right to refuse to issue any refunds as well as reserve the right to refuse completing any work after this timeframe. 

We give an estimated turn around time for each piece ordered within each item description. This may change if third parties who are involved with supplying Little Gem's resin company or courier services transporting them experiences delays. You are purchasing your items in full knowledge delays may occur at any time and these dates given are estimates only. We do however try our upmost to meet deadlines stated for special occasions.

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, at any time, for any reason.

Prices for our products are liable to change at any time without prior notice.

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